Stained Glass V Final -Commission Choices
Client #1: Arts and Crafts Doorway
This very picky businessman client wants a minimalist, geometric 'flowing' design. He wants the design to trail from one panel to the next, forming a rectangle around the ten square panels. Your design should reflect an "Arts and Crafts" aesthetic. He only wants red and yellow cathedral to be used, plus anything clear and textured as a background. So, more 'background' than 'design.'
Client #2: Vague ideas, gorgeous window.
This client hates the line design on this window. They want the light to come through, but also want to have some privacy. They want magenta, purple, teal and green cathedral or streaky here, maybe some cloudy white opalescent, with a clear textured background. They don't know what they want for a design. They just want to have something that enhances the gorgeous shape of the window. Surprise them! Window is 36" high and 36" wide.
Client #3: Watermelon Tree Bathroom
This client is a kooky kindergarten teacher who loves these watermelony colors, and wants to get these blinds out of the window. She wants a tree design. One single symmetrical tree that stretches into these four panels. Why a tree? The tree comes from the wallpaper design. BUT she wants only the colors of the striped carpet to be used, plus a clear textured background. The tree doesn't have to have realistic colors in it. There can be grass, and maybe flowers around it. Each of the 4 panels is 14" x 14" The dividers should be taken into account- 2" wide on the vertical; 4" wide on the horizontal.
Client #4: Annoyed Neighbor
This client loves this picture window, but hates that the next door neighbor's loud, bratty kids are next door. She wants a simple white opalescent background, with a bouquet of 5 roses in a steel blue vase as the center design. All opalescent glass, to block out the view. Window is 26" x 36."
Client #5: FLW Kitchen Window
This couple wants to have a cathedral, wispy glass and clear textured window here. They want a lot of light coming through, and to not completely block out the view. They love black, white and gray, and don't want any other colors here. They love the look of the Frank Lloyd Wright windows that have circles and checkerboard accents. They want a background-heavy design that picks up the wall tile pattern. Window is 16" x 26."